This is the day
that the Lord has made
This early morning after a
restless night
Sixty one degrees
humbling gathering sunlight in the backyard with children
making mudpies
making pies
This day,
finches on the ivy vine
a beautiful day
and i'm kicking stones around the street
with barely a word in my lungs
Even this is the day that the Lord God made
a visit to my aching father
looking more like a newborn each day
so smooth and soft
the confusion of my own aging hands against his
it is one more day, no matter good or bad
it is still a day and i need all of them right now
this one, with my family and
this one alone
crying in the car
hot, hot tears
This body cannot contain the magnitude of these things
where everything ugly rests up against everything lovely
and somehow in the cries of help, i'm sorry, and thank you
finds a Hallelujah with volume
All the trees of the field clap their hands or beat their fists, I don't know
how this works or how it ever ends, but okay.
Surely, it is all Hallelujah.