3 years ago you threw a red bike into the streets of chelsea and i looked you up and down. we had no idea what was on its way. i can remember being introduced to you and shaking your hand (how silly) and the flannel shirt you wore, and the wool hat, and the way you crossed your legs at the table (which i found very cute), and seeing your wounded wrist (gross) and watching you get egg salad in your beard (endearing), and you dropping your bike 3 times as you were saying goodnite (which could make a girl feel good that she could do that to a boy).
i don't give a shit what has happened or is happening. the only thing i want today is to sit for beers with you (guinness. miller high life.) and just be. i want to steal life for a day with you. you are too far away and i don't care to reason with myself today about why that is, all i can do is just feel the wrongness of it.
i miss you.
i love you.
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